There are currently several vacancies on the TTCA Board. We welcome the opportunity to add new faces to our team and hope you will consider your ability to join us in our efforts for our community. The vacancies are….

Vice President – The Vice President delegates responsibilities to other board members, and acts as a substitute in the President’s absence.

Membership Chair – The Membership Chairperson would be responsible for recruiting and engaging members for the TTCA board.

Scholarship Chair – The scholarship chairperson is responsible for working in conjunction with the TTCA leadership to provide recommendation for the candidate/recipient of the annual TTCA scholarship, and notifying the awarded applicant of the Boards decision.

Parks – The Parks Chairperson will be involved in the negotiations and follow up with the Town of Owego regarding the Tioga Blvd Park improvements. In addition, occasional review of the condition of the Woodside Av Park is required.

Garage Sale – Our Garage Sale Chairperson arranges advertising and arranges teams to set up and take down garage sale traffic signs. They arrange Porta potties and answers community questions. Provides Newsletter articles before and after event.

If you are interested in one of these positions, please contact either Meredith Bocek, TTCA Recruiting or attend one of our meetings (second Tuesday of each month @7PM) at the Park Terrace Church for more information.